Saturday, August 23, 2008

Prayer Requests

Thanks to those of you who have come visit this blog to learn about Malawi and our trip this October. It was really nice to hear from Abby Prescott. She is Norm Wakefield's daughter. She commented on the last post. I would encourage you to look back at previous blogs and view the comments there. Unworthy slave (Charlie Patterson) always adds an interesting perspective as he has been there. He openly shares his heart for world missions and is not afraid to share his fears and concerns.

The time is rapidly approaching. The Lord willing, we will be on our way in just 48 days. I was reading just the other day in Proverbs 16:1-4,9 where it tells us that we make our plans, but it is God who establishes our steps. We have set our sights on going to Malawi, and it looks like that is where God is leading each one of us, but we know from His word that we will only go if that is what He has planned for us.
(Check this out! If you hover your cursor over any of the scriptures in my blog, a window should appear that will display the passage for you.)

There are still so many things that need to happen before we go, and many possible obstacles that could hinder us from going. That is why it is so important for us to pray and put our trust in our great sovereign God to get us ready and to our destination. We covet your prayers for us as well. Please join us in our efforts and share in the blessings from God by being prayer warriors for us. Let me share with you some of the items we could have you pray for us.

As a group we have common needs. All of us still need precious time to prepare spiritually for our time there. The enemy will try to bring things in to distract us from our plans. We all have to get vaccinations and medicine for the trip. There is also pneumonia still travelling around at church and it reminds us of the importance for us to remain healthy. We all still have a ways to go to pay for the trip. God has blessed us, and the boys (young men) are over half way there to reach their goal. We men have almost a 1/3 of our needs met. Pray that God will provide for us out of His abundant goodness and according to His good pleasure.

We also each have individual needs and let me end this with things you can pray for each of us.

Dan Rupprecht

  • Grace for the strength to be able to handle the heavy load at work.
  • He would be able to have the time to prepare for his teaching lessons.
  • For God to grant the grace to have adequate time with his family and lead them as God wants.
  • To be an effective leader and a Godly example to the team.

Charlie Patterson

  • Wisdom in knowing what best to share so as to encourage the brethren in their fight to learn and maintain the Word that was once for all delivered to the saints.
  • Wisdom in planning for my family's needs and in developing the vision for ministry at home while Josiah & I are away.
  • Health: to be well rested and mentally prepared for this trip.
  • For God to bless his studies to finish current class and his September class

Josiah Patterson

  • As I am preparing for the trip, I would like prayer for My work - that I may be a witness
  • My school -- that I can get as much done as possible
  • My health -- that I won't have reactions to any immunizations and that I will stay healthy while there.
  • My message -- that the Lord will give me a message to share while there if I am asked.
  • My heart -- that I will have the right attitude.

Brian Deyarmond

  • That work hours and school hours would be worked out so he can continue to earn money for the trip
  • For preparations to have words of encouragement
  • To finish his testimony and to be prepared to be able to give an answer to the hope he has in God
  • For eyes that are open to see what God has prepared has planned for future.

Ric Deyarmond

  • That I would be a willing and available slave to accomplish all that He has planned.
  • To make the most of my time as I prepare to be able to teach on being trustworthy servants of what Christ have given us, and what it means to worship our great God.
  • That I would be able to still devote the time needed to the worship ministry.
  • To be focused on my families needs and be the father/husband I need to be while I prepare to go.


unworthy slave said...

I would ask those so led to pray, to for me in the following requests:

1) Wisdom in knowing what best to share so as to encourage the brethren in their fight to learn and maintain the Word that was once for all delivered to the saints.
2) Wisdom in planning for my family's needs and in developing the vision for ministry at home while Josiah & I are away.
3) Health: to be well rested and mentally prepared for this trip.

The trip last time was exhausting yet exhilarating. Knowing now a little better what to expect, I pray that I would not be physically drained and potentially a hindrance to the gospel of God and a liability to the team, but rather that I would be physically and mentally by His grace able to love and communicate in all boldness and with all confidence in Him, the blessedness of the abiding word of God in Christ, bringing encouragement and edification to the brethren and leaving them with a word of exhortation on the road of sanctification that will lead their hearts to rejoice even more in the cross of Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Together we (Coast) are serving the brethren in Malawi and in South Africa for the sake of The Name.


unworthy slave said...

Allow me to add a brief prayer request for Pastor Brasswell and our fellow brethren and the pastors who we currently support, Pastors Dacosta, Akihiko, Solomon, Johnstone and Harry, as well as Ollen and Jam in South Africa: Pray for their continued perseverance in the studies, and for the welfare of their families and spiritual needs of their flocks. As you all know, it is hard enough to study in any discipline, and especially in leadership training. But these beloved brothers and fellow soldiers in the cause that is the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ face immeasurable pressure in that not only are they burdened with the care and shepherding of their flocks while away in school, but their own wives and children. They are most grateful for your prayers for them, and thank you for remembering their families in your prayers for them. In these 2 months they also will be preparing for our visit, and Brasswell (knowing him) will look after many details and concerns in making sure we are met with a full welcome, and that out trip is blessed with whatever success that Lord wishes to grant it. Last trip, as Christian and Earl will testify, we had no problems with being fed as they strived to ensure that we "ate like kings" and "slept like lambs". Brother Brasswell will spare no effort, and I am praying he also will trust in the promises of Christ that we truly do not come in expectations of comfort, not wanting to be a burden to any of them, but that we come as men among men, brothers among brothers, all having the same goals; to see Christ Jesus glorified in our bodies, whether by death or by life, whether in abundance or in need. I do not say this lightly, or to quote a Bible verse. It is our heart for this trip and for our overall vision for our involvement and partnership together in the cause of Christ. We know there are no guarantees all will be smooth sailing, they themselves know this even better than us. But our hope is in Christ, that we will be used mightily by Him as He sees fit, to His glory and for our joy, both theirs and ours.

Lastly, pray for the youth of Malawi. We do not know what the Lord will do in the hearts and minds of the young men with whom Brian and Josiah will come in contact with and share amongst. While I do not think it presumptuous to say that that Brian and Josiah will come back as different young men having seen a side of the gospel that their eyes would never have seen otherwise from any missions magazine (and they have read a lot!) and the experience of which, I pray, will mightily affect their hearts to with even more vigor and strength to pursue Christ as a treasure far more glorious than what they had ever done before, yet here is a rare opportunity for their young counterparts in Malawi to also be profoundly influenced to do the same. I remember our driver and Brasswell’s older son sitting in the van parked on the dirt driveway leading up to Brasswell’s house with all diligence listening to English speaking news radio stories. What influences of America and the west they must have listened to, and I wonder if they had wondered if American youths were like this pursuing the same things. Well now they will have a chance to see and hear of the glories of Christ for these 2 young men. I pray the youth of Malawi will be mightily influence to seek after the only true riches in the universe, and that they seek after Him will all their heart and soul and mind and strength. I pray the same for me.

Yours together for the cause of The Name.