Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Faster than a Speeding Bullet

Hello! The long lost blogger has mysteriously re-appeared. Thanks for those of you who have been waiting so patiently for me to give you some kind of an update. I would like to say that I have just been too busy, and to some extent that has been true. The truth is, I have just been in somewhat of a funk and have not been sure what to share. I also was beginning to think that the only one reading this blog was Charlie. Thanks for those of you that have shared with me you have been reading, and I am sorry for my negligence. I will do my best to keep you updated as the day rapidly approaches.
There are now only 16 days left and this one is almost gone. That means we really have only 14 days to prepare our messages, obtain whatever supplies are still needed, pack and go on day 15. The time is rapidly approaching. In fact, the days are flying by like a 100 car freight train going full speed downhill with no brakes. Thankfully, our great God has planned each of our steps and we have no need to be anxious. We need to be diligent and faithful, but we can also rest in His faithful plan for us.
Yes, there is much to do, but I think I can speak for the others when I say we are getting so very excited to go. I have waited a long time to get to finally meet pastor Brasswell, and to see firsthand what God is doing to grow His church in Malawi. I am filled with anticipation to see the completed classroom block at the training center in Betere. This has been a long-term dream of Brasswell's to create a place to bring people in to teach them how to grow in Christ. The walls have been completed, and we have sent him the money for the metal roof panels. They should be up by the time we get there. Here are the latest pictures of the classroom.

Please remember the Patterson's at this time of grief. It will be a difficult time for them as they deal with the loss of Donna's mother. Please pray for the whole family as they will each deal with this loss differently. Pray that Charlie and Josiah will be able to sensitive and supportive these last couple of weeks. God has His hand in this for them at this time, even if we do not understand His timing of these events. But we know that He works all these things for our good, and for His glory.
Each of us has our own list of things to accomplish before we go. Charlie has his family situation, and another class this Saturday. And next Friday he will teach the youth about making ones life count for Christ around the world. Dan has his business to attend to and prepare for his absence, while still dealing with his elder duties. The young men are dealing with school, jobs they have never had before, and get themselves ready to be used by the Lord. All of this while dealing with the growing excitement of the trip looming just around the corner. I am confident that God will allow me to get everything done I need to do, but I need to be faithful with my time.
Thank you to all who have shown an interest in what God is doing for us and through us. We cannot thank you enough for your prayers, encouragement and support of various kinds. Your reward will be waiting for you by Him who is faithful, abounding in steadfast love, gracious and merciful to those He has chosen. May our great God be exalted and lifted high, both now and forevermore.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Malawi Update

We received a report from Brasswell yesterday. Instead of trying to tell you myself what is going on, I am going to just let you read it for yourself. It is exciting to hear of new believers who are now part of the Kingdom. Please pay attention to the prayer requests at the bottom of his letter. Just think, we will be on our way to Africa in just 37 days.

Hi Brothers in the Lord,

Am so glad to report to you about the work of God that has taken place here in my area. We had a revival meeting which took place at Ekwaayiweni, our new preaching point. Eight people were baptized in the Lunyangwa river. The Church is growing rapidly. They have already burned bricks ready to build a church building. Deacons B. Phiri and B. Kajogolo are the ones who are helping this church to grow. The pictures will be sent to you later.

The churches in the NTHALIRE area are also growing. The fastest growing is Mibanga.Mr John Kabaghe is helping these Churches. From the funds you sent us to use in our family I was able to buy a bicycle for John Kabaghe. Mr Kalua is helping the church at Nthaalire center. Kalopa is growing little by little. We need someone to be put there to help the church.

Betere is doing good. Recently before the beginning of the building of the Training Center, several people came to the Lord. For your information, Dacosta has started another preaching point. It is named Chibeku Baptist preaching point. This church is cituated in Mzimba south west. Last Sunday, fourteen people were baptized. Dacosta is planning to leave Betere by next year. Betere will be left in the hands of Jam and Moyo. The widow at Betere is doing well now. I gave some of the money to her.

The president of the Baptist convention has also given me the responsibility of taking care of the Chibavi Baptist Church. The church is doing well in terms growth, both in quality and quantity.

I had a car accident on 8th June, 2008. The accident happened on my way to Lusaka, Zambia. The journey was to help me and other preachers from Malawi get a training on how we can evangelize our continent of Africa. I thank God because none of us were hurt.

The training center is now at window level. The pictures will be sent to you tomorrow.
By the end of September the classroom block will be completed.


1.Pray that all the young preachers I have trained would have a zeal to serve the Lord without compromise.

2. Pray that our work of the T. Center be completed on time without any hindrances.

3.Pray that my family should remain in good health.



6.Pray that the Lord will give me trusted people with whom i can work with.

Brassell & Felista

Monday, September 1, 2008

Conspiracy, attack, or coincidence

With all that has happened since the last post, I have to wonder what is going on here. Most people would say there have been strange coincidences taking place. Others might say there is a conspiracy going on or Murphy's law is at work. Having a strong belief that God is sovereign over every event in our lives, I know these are not true. I also know that our struggle is not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12), so in light of these recent events, I wonder if these things are attacks from the evil one allowed by God do distract us. There is a temptation to back off and not stay focused on the preparations necessary for us to effectively minister the gospel to those God has chosen for us. I know the fight is on now and we must continue to pray diligently for God's grace to have the time to prepare properly.

I have meant to make a post for a few days now, but different circumstances have detoured me from all plans I have made. We had an episode with our youngest son, Joshua, when after 9 on Saturday night, he had an allergic reaction in his eyes to something mysterious, which sent us on a 4 hour excursion to the emergency room. Needless to say, I did not get to post then. Then yesterday just got away from me with these issues with my neck. Trying to get comfortable, get rest, and medicate myself to handle the discomfort, left me at bedtime wondering where the whole day went. The morning practice, and worship service with all its difficulties, was also a blur in hind sight.

That being said, there is still so much to do and only 37 days to accomplish them as of Tuesday (for you Charlie). As a group, we still need to purchase more Bibles for the people. we need to purchase 7 sets of MacArthur study Bibles, Bible dictionaries, and concordances for the seminary students. Then we need to work out getting them there in our luggage. We need to make arrangements to get a shuttle for all of us to take us to the airport. We also need to get together and figure out what other details need to be taken care of before we go. There are many little logistical items that need to be finalized and we need prayer to help us identify them all. The finances are coming together, but we are still not quite there yet. My experience is that God will provide it when it is needed. He always does. The Patterson's have most of their immunizations taken care of, and the others are planned for. Brian and I have our appointment with our "travel doctor" on Thursday at 3:30pm. Brian got his hepatitis A taken care of at his regular doctor, and I had it when I was 13, so we are good there, but the rest we will be dealing with on Thursday, Lord willing.

We heard from Brasswell a few days ago, and I had meant to tell everyone then, but as I stated before, I have been hindered from doing so each day. He told us that the training center building is up on the foundation and the walls should be completed within 2 weeks. Below you will see the pictures that he sent us. Charlie also received some pictures in the mail, and hopefully I can put them up soon.

I had a similar experience with loading sand into a flatbed truck and taking it to the construction site when Julie and I were in Namibia. The picture below of the gentlemen shoveling it off the truck brought back some memories. We drove the truck to a dry river bed, shoveled sand in the truck, and then took it to the construction site and offloaded it. We made several trips. On the first trip, I was so enthusiastic to help that I was actually throwing the sand over the bed and onto the ground on the other side. All the local workers got a good laugh out of that one. I do not recall a more gruelling day of physical work than that day! I have had my share of hard working days, but that one is at the top of the list.

Please continue to pray for us. The fight is large, and we need the Lord to keep us on His timetable. Thank you so much for your encouragement and support.